Company Overview



Leviathan has created wind, hydro, and wave-powered products that fundamentally change the economics of investing in alternative energy technologies in these respective markets.

Leviathan’s patented products are simple to install, revolutionary, and cost-effective beyond any comparable means.



Our Other Technologies:

Wind Tulips – Flower Turbines LLC.

The essential technology is aerodynamic, based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and other innovations. We combine aerodynamics and industrial design to make beautiful small vertical axis wind turbines that start at low speeds. VISIT WEBSITE


Leviathan Energy Hydroelectric LLC. In-Pipe Hydroelectric

We turn the excess pressure in piping systems into mechanical and then into electrical energy at high efficiency. VISIT WEBSITE


Wave Energy*

Leviathan has developed patented technologies that can release the potential of wave energy 4-5 times more cost-effectively than existing solutions being offered on the market.


Pioneer Valley Renewables LLC. Underwater Turbines

Improving the effectiveness of underwater turbines by 50-300%, depending on the size. This market is called: “hydrokinetic” power, which includes both rivers and tides. VISIT WEBSITE


Small Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines

This takes the same technology as for underwater turbines and applies it to wind. The main product will be a ten-meter blade diameter horizontal axis turbine with a capacity of 50-kilowatts.


*Technology is in the developmental stage

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